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starts TBA
Dee-Ann Smith, BA, MA

This course introduces students to e-commerce from a management perspective.  It examines the impact of constantly changing technology and the effects on business practice and organizational decision-making. Students will be exposed to an extensive guide for comprehending the operational issues of e-business and will be provided the tools to link theory with practice.

Topics covered include:-

  • Introduction to E-Commerce (Define e-commerce and e-business, E-business vs e-commerce, Origins and growth of e-commerce, Benefits and limitations of e-commerce, Types of e-commerce, Barriers to e-commerce, The impact of e-commerce, Forces influencing e-commerce and e-business)
  • Building an E-Commerce Presence (Requirements for creating an e-commerce presence, Website design and building: In-house vs outsourcing, Web hosting and maintenance: In-house vs outsourcing, Domain name registration, Website development tools, Uniform resource location (URL), Website components)
  • E-Commerce Software (Define the basic function of e-commerce software, Shopping cart software, E-business/e-commerce application software, Software considerations and requirements, Web browsers, E-mail clients, Examine e-commerce software options for different types of businesses,  Web Server software)
  • E-Commerce Infrastructure and Technologies (The Internet and the World Wide Web (WWW), Examine the differences between: the Internet, intranet and extranet,  Examine an intranet and extranet are used in an e-commerce environment, IP Address and domain names, Packet-switched networks, Define Internet protocols and their uses in computer communication, Definition and functionality of web clients and servers, Discuss Internet connections options including: connection types, bandwidth and pricing, Internet search tools)
  • E-Commerce Marketing (Introduction to e-marketing, Compare online advertising methods and traditional methods, Discuss the major e-marketing strategies and techniques, Online branding,  Preparing an e-marketing plan
  • Electronic Payment Systems (Discuss e-payment issues, Contrast the different e-payment options, E-payment technologies, Benefits of e-payment systems, Accepting credit cards online, Define an Internet merchant account and its benefits)
  • E-Commerce Business Strategies (Strategy formulation, implementation, E-commerce business models, Discuss customer relationship management (CRM), Discuss supply chain management (SCM), Inventory and service management integration, Discuss online auctions, Developing an e-commerce business plan)
  • E-Commerce Security And Controls (Basic security principles, Digital signatures and certificates, Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), Security threats and security solution,  Security Protocols (SSL, SET)
  • Introduction to Mobile Commerce (Definition of m-commerce, M-commerce applications, M-payments systems, Protocols, M-commerce software requirements, M-commerce devices, Challenges and opportunities
  • Legal and Ethical Issues in E-Commerce (Discuss the ethical and privacy issues that arise for companies conducting ecommerce, Intellectual property rights, Borders and jurisdictional issues, Legal framework requirements,  Cyber-squatting and domain name disputes, Discuss consumer protection online, Discuss online crime).