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Maintenance Management

starts TBA
Peter Collett, BDMS

The course is designed to introduce participants to a more disciplined way of maintenance management. It will provide students with the tools and techniques to enable them to
adopt and utilise more proactive forms of maintenance.  

It will examine the concepts of Total Productive Maintenance TPM , different generations of TPM, implementation of TPM and failure causes. It will also discuss in details the theory of Reliability Centered Maintenance RCM, Performance Standards and Failure Modes.

Participants will be exposed to supporting activities that will assist them with operating the maintenance department more efficiently.

The objectives of this course are to:

  • Acquaint participants to the disciplines of maintenance that can impact positively on reliability.
  • Introduce participants to the basic building blocks of a planned maintenance system.
  • Provide participants with the knowledge of the types of maintenance available.
  • Inspire participants to look beyond symptoms of failure and seek to address root causes.