Industrial Relations
starts TBA
The course is designed to familiarise course participants with the various tools and issues that affect employment relations in the country and that can directly impact on both the employment relationship and decision making process.
Employers, managers, supervisors and employees face a myriad of employment related issues and the course as it explores the employment rights/duties of employers and employees, the roles of Employer Associations and Trade Unions, and a framework for understanding Contemporary Employment Relations/Industrial Relations in a changing workplace.
- Employers, managers, supervisors and employees face a myriad of employment related issues and the course as it explores the employment rights/duties of employers and employees, the roles of Employer Associations and Trade Unions, and a framework for understanding Contemporary Employment Relations/Industrial Relations in a changing workplace.
- Employment Relations consists of (1) Employment Rights, (2) Employment Relations including traditional Industrial Relations.
Topics covered include:-
- Barbados’ Industrial Relations System
- The Development of Labour Legislation
- The Development of the Social Partnership
- The Role and Function of Government, Employers, Workers
- The Tripartite Consultative Mechanisms
- Overview of the Social Protocols
- Theories of International Industrial Relations (ILO, IOE, ICFTU)
- Employment Rights (Contracts of Employment, Policies and Associated Terms and Conditions of Employment, Custom and Practice (established rights within the employment relationship)
- The Enforceability of Contracts and associated policies of Employment vis-a-vis the Collective Agreement
- Collective Bargaining (Patterns of Collective Bargaining, Positional versus Principled Negotiation, Collective Bargaining techniques and tactics, The Evolution and Status of Collective Agreements: Trade Union trends, Employer trends)
- Understanding Labour Legislation, Social Protocols and Public Policy
- Grievance Handling (Grievance procedures and the roles of parties involved
- Dispute Resolution (Conciliation - The Labour Department Act, Arbitration - The Trade Disputes (Arbitration and Enquiry) Act, Employment Rights Tribunals, The Judicial System - including the Caribbean Court of Justice)
- Trade Union and Industrial Action (Definition of Industrial Action, Types of Industrial Action, Industrial Action and Legal Immunities, Public Policy and Industrial Action, Emergency Powers, The New Types of Industrial Concerns, The Right to Strike: International Organization of Employers’ Position, ICFTU’s Position).
PREREQUISITE: Personnel Management [HRM210] or equivalent.