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Human Resource Development

starts 02.03 - 13:00
Suzette Husbands, MSc., DA

This course is designed to provide a framework for assisting employees in the development of their personal and organizational skills, abilities and knowledge.  Participants will focus on the opportunities that are available to them, including coaching, mentoring and succession planning.

The continuous development of our human resources has become a must in the ever changing global business environment. It is through this process that companies will be able to maintain a competitive edge in their respective industries. 

Topics covered include:-

  • —Fundamental Concepts of Human Resource Planning (Define HR Planning, Key Elements of HR Planning, The Use of HR Planning
  • —Concepts of Human Resource Planning (The Relationship of HR Planning to Succession Planning and Career Development, Define what is Career Management and Its Components, Evaluate and Assess Career Plans and the Effectiveness of such
  • —Concepts of Staff Training (Define Learning, Training, Education and Development, HRD and Management Development, Individual and Collective Purposes of Learning and Development, Role of Theory in Learning and Development, Learning in the Individual, Factors which influence Employee Behaviour, Formal and Informal Learning)
  • —The Strategic And Organizational Contexts Of Learning And Development (The Wider Area of HR Management, HRD, its Components and the Competencies Required, The Learning Organization, Link between HRD and HRM, Organization with Respect to Competition and Maintaining a Competitive Edge, The Role of HRD in Contributing to and Maintaining the Organization’s Competitive Edge
  • —Training Needs and Assessment (Training Needs Analysis, Strategic Organisational Analysis, Components of a Training Needs Analysis and the Significance of the Steps in the Process, Components of Organizational, Task and Person Analyses, Advantages of Conducting Needs Analysis, Methods of Conducting Analysis
  • —Methods of Training (Training Delivery Modes, On the Job Training, Coaching, Classroom Training Approaches, Experiential Methods, Computer-Based Training
  • —Designing Training Programmes (Planning Learning and Development, Differences between Training and Development, Objectives of an HRD Intervention, The Make vs Buy Decision, Selecting the Trainer, Selecting Training Methods)
  • —Training Evaluation (Purpose of HRD Evaluation, Models and Frameworks for Evaluation, Assessing the Impact of HRD Programmes in Monetary Terms, How Technology Impacts on HRD Evaluation, Calculating the Cost and Benefits of Training
  • —Management Learning and Development (Management Development and benefits of Effective Managers, Components of a Management Development Strategy and the Organizational Approaches, Different Approaches for Selecting a Development Strategy, Best practices for Development Strategies).